Friday, December 2, 2011

Real finished pictures

For this shot to be taken amy had to lie on the floor and place her hair in the way i was looking for. i then got on emma's shoulders so i could get the shot perfect.

Here are my final pictures that i am going to put on my music magazine, i took many photo's but i narrowed it down to these four as i thought these were most eye catching and went with the genre of my magazine. all together it took about 4 to 5 hours to complete these pictures.
To produce these pictures we had to find an ideal place to take them, also we got props, makeup and outfits.

The style of magazine is glam rock. i am happy with the way my pictures turned out. i think they stand out and will be eye catching to people wanting to read a magazine of this genre.

Draft Pictures

These are a few examples of  my draft pictures i composed for the front cover of my magazine.
My original idea was to have a girl posing for my front cover to look like a late teenage rock/pop (NME) theme, but when i uploaded my pictures onto the computer i realised the genere of my picture wasn't what i was hoping for it too look like. they looked like like soft pop(smash hits) for young teenagers. so in my real pictures i completely changed my idea.
taking these pictures helped me with my camera skills.

Friday, November 4, 2011

my reflection on pre lim task.

This is my completed Pre-lim task, my front cover of a school magazine and my contents page. i think i picked up adobe photo shop very quickly seeing as it was my first time ever on the programme, i really enjoyed experiencing a new way of creating work on a took me about a week and a half to complete the task. after i got to grips with photoshop after a hour of being on it i uploaded my front cover picture. the picture i chose to take was of four 6 form students in-front of the war memorial in the school library. i cropped it and took the back round out of my image, i then started to add borders and an oldershaw logo. then i used the tool were you can have text over images, i enjoyed experimenting around with the text as i have never been on a programme that lets you over lay text in so many ways. the colours used on my front page was mostly gold and black, i think i chose these colours well as they went with the colours of the image, also the colour's of the school. i think i organised the layout of my magazine cover well. improve my magizine cover and contents page i could of spent more time on it. Also i could of thought about about my image more, for instance smartend the students up and have a dress code. the time i spent on this task wasnt really that long, i shold of spent more time on it, but for my main task i will spend longer on it and work on it during free lessons.
the original image i have on my front cover had a back round but i thought it would be more suitable to take it out, so i cropped around it and had the students on a white back round.
the style oh photo we were supposed to use was medium close up where a mine is more full lenth, in my next task i will make sure the photo i choose to take is correct to the right standard.

The Generic Conventions for my main task

For my main task of creating a music magazine i will need to include the following:

  • Masthead/Logo-Shrotened down version of the title
  • House style- Making my magazine very distinctive. if it has no structure is more for teenage audience
  • Bar code- so the magazine looks more interesting and real
  • Writing on all pages
  • images needed on every page
  • Writing and anchor text needed on front page
  • Price and Date
  • Popular festivals and events
  • Direct address
  • Cover titles to give more information about magazines
  • baner use for text standings

These are all i need to make my magazine good to its full potential.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Photo Permissions

Mr Liddell presented the Academy pro forma to allow all AS Media Students students to use pupils & students as Models or Actors for the OCR Media brief