Friday, December 2, 2011

Real finished pictures

For this shot to be taken amy had to lie on the floor and place her hair in the way i was looking for. i then got on emma's shoulders so i could get the shot perfect.

Here are my final pictures that i am going to put on my music magazine, i took many photo's but i narrowed it down to these four as i thought these were most eye catching and went with the genre of my magazine. all together it took about 4 to 5 hours to complete these pictures.
To produce these pictures we had to find an ideal place to take them, also we got props, makeup and outfits.

The style of magazine is glam rock. i am happy with the way my pictures turned out. i think they stand out and will be eye catching to people wanting to read a magazine of this genre.

Draft Pictures

These are a few examples of  my draft pictures i composed for the front cover of my magazine.
My original idea was to have a girl posing for my front cover to look like a late teenage rock/pop (NME) theme, but when i uploaded my pictures onto the computer i realised the genere of my picture wasn't what i was hoping for it too look like. they looked like like soft pop(smash hits) for young teenagers. so in my real pictures i completely changed my idea.
taking these pictures helped me with my camera skills.